Frequently Asked Questions

All of the content found on Teen Driver Source was created by the Young Driver Safety Research team at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The bibliography lists the research behind every section of the site, including facts and statistics.

Yes, all of the resources on Teen Driver Source, including the TeenDrivingGuide Practice Guide and the 54 TeenDriving Plan Practice Guide videos, are free. We created them to help families make the most of the learning-to-drive experience and beyond. Educators and stakeholders can download or link to these resources free of charge. All that we ask is that they give attribution to the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. 

High quality practice driving is critical because a major reason why teens crash is their inexperience behind-the-wheel. Research shows that drivers need a variety of practice in a wide range of driving environments to prevent them from committing dangerous driving errors. However, many teens do not get this kind of practice. To address this problem, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) created the TeenDrivingPlan Practice Guide, an online interactive resource to help families make the most out of their practice time together.

Teen Driver Source has compiled the latest evidence-based information from experts at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists to help guide families of children with neurodevelopmental differences who want to drive.

Yes, and we greatly appreciate your interest. Learn how here.

Yes, we offer expert driving lessons and tips for parking a car in a parking lot here. Since parallel parking is not in the critical pathway to learning to drive, we did not include this skill in our TeenDrivingPlan Practice Guide. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot) offers a free video lesson on how to teach a teen to parallel park on YouTube